Smart Tan

Tanning is natural, and it works the same whether you tan outdoors or in a salon. The advantage of using sunbeds is having complete operator control over the intensity and duration of a session, which results in minimal risk of an uneven tan or a sunburn.
Controlled UV
When it comes to UV light, both summer sunlight and most sunbeds produce pretty much the same kind and mix of sunlight: about 95% UVA, and 5% UVB. The difference is that most sunbeds are 2-4 times more intense than summer sunlight. That’s the reason you only stay in a sunbed a few minutes.
Customized Program
Everyone’s skin is different. That’s why we conduct a complete evaluation, using the Smart Tan Skin Type System™ to determine your skin type and set your exposure schedule accordingly. Our system is designed to get you the best possible tan while minimizing the risk of sunburn.

Why Does A Tan Fade?
Cells in the epidermis are constantly reproducing and pushing older cells upward toward the surface of your skin, where they are sloughed off in about one month. As your skin replaces its cells, the cells laden with melanin are removed. So the tanning process must continue with the new cells.
You need more than UV light to achieve a beautiful and long-lasting suntan. Professional-grade indoor tanning products play an important role in the indoor tanning process by:
- Preparing your skin for indoor tanning
- Getting you a faster, darker, beautiful tan
- Moisturizing skin for a longer lasting tan
Skin Care Consultants
We will help you determine the best indoor tanning regimen to get you the look you want. Determining exposure schedules, rotating equipment and getting you the right skin care products are all part of getting you the best suntan possible.
Sunburn is completely different from a tan. The red color is increased blood flow, sent to the skin to help your body repair the damage done from overexposure.
A smart tan naturally enhances protection against sunburn. Melanin literally enshrouds skin cells protecting them from getting too much UV exposure. Additionally, as the skin tans the outer layer thickens, which also is nature’s design to make tan skin naturally more resistant to sunburn.
Better Sunscreen
As most tanners know, a suntan multiplies the effectiveness of sunscreen in outdoor sunburn prevention. For example, an SPF 15 product applied to the skin of a person whose base suntan has already made her two-to-four times more resilient to sunburn creates a “net SPF” of about 30-60.
SPF 15 x 2 = SPF 30
SPF 15 x 4 = SPF 60
Vitamin D is “The Sunshine Vitamin” and most sunbeds, just like sunlight, emit enough UVB light to trigger natural vitamin D production in your skin. While you may not need to become tan to make vitamin D, and while vitamin D supplements are another option, you should know that most people who tan in equipment that emits UVB will make vitamin D.*
*Notice: You do not need to become tan for your skin to make vitamin D.
We Clean Everything
Before every tanning session, each tanning room is carefully cleaned and sanitized. Our special disinfectant eradicates any reasonable chance of you coming in contact with any virus or infection. You’re probably more likely to pick up germs from a handrail in a department store or the pen used in your doctor’s office.
Protect Your Eyes & Lips
Your eyelids are too thin to protect your eyes from UV light. That’s why federal law requires this salon to supply you with proper eye protection. It is your responsibility to wear it. Make sure the eyewear fits your eyes snugly and that no light leaks through. You may want to consider removing your contacts before you tan – the heat can sometimes dry them out. And lip balm with SPF can protect your lips, which do not tan.
Some medications can cause reactions with UV light. If you are taking any medications, please let us know and let your doctor know you’re tanning.
UV light does not travel beyond the top layers of the skin, but the main concern about tanning while pregnant is the potential of becoming overheated or experiencing physical strain. That’s why we recommend that you check with your physician. We’ll explain our policy on tanning while pregnant, too.